
Your Centralized Marketing Data
and Insights Platform

Wizaly is the ultimate platform for integrating data and insights. Capture every customer interaction, analyze journeys, and optimize performance with Wizaly’s data-driven solutions for growth.

Marketing Data Collection and Integration

Centralize all your data from both online and offline sources to get the complete picture of your marketing efforts.

Online Media Integration

Tracks every online interaction, including clicks and app usage, ensuring comprehensive online touchpoint tracking.

Offline Media Integration

Provides insights from traditional media like TV and radio, bridging digital and traditional marketing efforts.

Customer Data Integration

Combines CRM, DMP, and CDP data into one dataset, offering unparalleled customer insights.
Offline Media
Online Media
Customer Data
Performance Analysis
Algorithmic Attribution Models
Customer Segmentation and Loyalty Analysis

Customer Journey Attribution and Analysis

See all paths your customers take, turning complex journey data into clear, actionable insights.

Algorithmic Attribution Models

We use advanced models to reveal the true value of all touchpoints, from the initial ad to the final purchase.

Product Performance Analysis

Discover which products are most successful and which need a boost by analyzing how different items contribute to purchase decisions.

Customer Segmentation
and Loyalty Analysis

Wizaly creates user groups based on behavior, helping you identify loyal customers, potential churn risks, and new opportunities for engagement.

Media Mix Optimization
and Strategy

Quickly analyze how your marketing channels work together in order to allocate your budget more effectively and boost your ROI.


Gain a complete view of your marketing efforts and find the perfect balance in your media mix to maximize engagement and conversions.

Marketing Activation Analysis

Evaluate the potential impact of your strategies on your overall media performance for more informed decisions.

Budget Forecasting and Planning

Ensure every dollar spent is an investment towards your business growth with insights into how best to allocate your resources based on strategic objectives.
Activation Analysis
Budget Forecasting and Planning
Detailed Reporting
Customizable Dashboards
Alerts for Campaign Performance

Analytics Reporting
and Visualization

Track, analyze, and share your marketing insight with customizable dashboards and detailed reporting tools.

Customizable Dashboards

Whether you’re tracking campaign performance, customer behavior, or sales trends, our dashboards adapt to your needs, providing a snapshot of what matters most to you.

Detailed Reporting

With options for automated creation and sharing, you can ensure that your team and stakeholders are always informed with customized reports.

Alerts for Campaign Performance

Stay on top of your marketing game with automated alerts. If a campaign underperforms or if there’s a glitch in data tracking, Wizaly notifies you promptly, enabling quick action.

Head of digital marketing and communication


Thanks to Wizaly, I underwent a complete revision of my budget allocation. The conversion results were significantly different from what we had observed on Google Analytics. Based on Wizaly’s analysis, we decided to increase the budget allocated to a specific socil network. We also implemented a content strategy, a crucial lever that we had previously overlooked.

Head of digital marketing and communication


Thanks to Wizaly, I underwent a complete revision of my budget allocation. The conversion results were significantly different from what we had observed on Google Analytics. Based on Wizaly’s analysis, we decided to increase the budget allocated to a specific socil network. We also implemented a content strategy, a crucial lever that we had previously overlooked.
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