
Let’s Do More Together

Our certified partners utilize their Wizaly training to help you set up the Wizaly platform and to analyze and interpret the insights it generates.

ESV Digital

Digital marketing agency assisting companies in their digital strategy, acquisition channels and loyalty.

At Internet

Company specialized in audience and performance measurement of websites, mobiles, applications and social networks.


Data & techno consulting partner made up of 150 consultants, specialists and experts.


Digital marketing agency that optimizes your online visibility and acquisition strategies.

Slap digital

Digital growth agency that supports more than 50 customers in traffic acquisition, conversion optimization and data management.


Experts and pioneers in programmatic advertising that supports its clients in the digital, marketing and technological ecosystem of companies.

Ad’s up

Google Partner Premier certified agency, specialized in the creation and optimization of SEA and Social Ads advertising campaigns as well as in the management of programmatic channel.


Marketing and media consulting firm. The company uses the power of data, analytics and technology to help brands improve their marketing perfomance.


An award-winning international agency focused on translating consumer intentions into action and driving business performance for the world’s leading brands.


SEA and Social Ads consulting agency, specialized in the creation and management of Google Ads campaigns, the implementation of Social Ads strategies, and acquisition strategies for mobile applications.


The DATA agency that helps you develop your business by integrating data into your decision-making process.

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